Michelle Braem
507.328.4049 | Email Michelle

Preschool Age Child Care (PACC)
Meet our PACC Team

Team Leader

Inclusion Specialist
Megan Swanson
507.328.4039 | Email Megan
Julie Haubenschild, RN
Registration and Cost
All registration for PACC is done through a Community Education account.
When registering for PACC, you'll select a school year contract that will run from September to June.
There is a registration fee of $100 per family per year.
PACC care costs $40 a day from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Drop-in care for PACC is $45 a day from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
How do I register?
Register for RPS Preschool
Login to your child care account at rochester.ce.eleyo.com
Choose PACC from this page
Choose Enroll Now and fill out the application
Approval may take up to 5 business days
Scheduling and Drop - in Care
Once your contract has been approved. You can log into your PACC account and click on the contract. PACC is a pick your own schedule, online child care account. Parents are responsible to schedule PACC for their child.
Parents can change their schedules as often as needed
All schedule changes must be made (7) days in advance
PACC contracts require a scheduled (1) day minimum
Drop-in is available with PACC contracts.
Drop-in is a less than 7 day notice
There is an extra $5 charge for Drop-in
Drop-in does not count as the scheduled (1) day minimum on your PACC contract
Our Location
PACC is currently available at Hoover Early Learning Center. Our Address: 369 Elton Hills Dr. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Enrolled families enter Front Door #1, PACC room is 105.

Our Activities and Curriculum
PACC is currently available only at Hoover Early Learning Center. Our Address: 369 Elton Hills Dr. NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Enrolled families enter Front Door #1, PACC room is 105.
Our Staff
The PACC Program is staffed with caring people who have experience in various fields. Background checks, first aid, CPR training, and continued staff development through workshops and training are required of all staff.
Our PACC classrooms maintain a one-teacher-to-10-student ratio.

Meals and Snacks
Families will need to set up a lunch account through paypams to purchase breakfast and/or lunch.
Breakfast is available
Morning snack is provided
Hot lunch is available
Afternoon snack is provided
Students may also bring their own breakfast and/or lunch from home
If your child has special dietary needs please contact
(507) 328-4218